Derby Amputee Club

Derby Amputee Club 
It has long been the desire of the Amputee Rehabilitation Centre at the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary to set up a social organisation for the clients that they deal with on a day by day basis, so at the beginning of 2007 a meeting was arranged and the Derby Amputee Club was formally launched. DAC for short.

We meet every other month and it has been a great success up to now, as the members all have something in common. At our first meeting one chap came along who had only recently had his leg amputated below the knee and he was able to pick up information from other members of what to expect in the coming months. At the last meeting, four months on, he walked through the door and was greeted by cheers and claps, which was so nice to see the genuine care of other members.

The aim is to organise various different outings and activities that will meet the needs of the members and to this aim we are starting off with a Curry Night at a local restaurant in July. A fund raising event consisted of a Tombola on Spring Bank Holiday Monday and despite the showers those looking after the stall had a good time and turned in a good return for the effort.

We offer a warm welcome to Amputees and Carers who reside in the Derbyshire area.
Membership details and other information is contained on our web site.