Tetraplegic gains Pilots Licence with the APT Charitable Trust, Old Sarum Wiltshire.

Tetraplegic gains Pilots Licence with the APT Charitable Trust, Old Sarum Wiltshire.
Rob Bryan became a C6/7 Tetraplegic after all fall in 1999, before this he was an active thrill seeker regularly rock climbing and trekking in Brazil, East Africa and the Himalayas.

‘Originally I liked the thought of flying a hang glider yet my hand power is not that great. Then I saw a program on National Geographic about microlight flying which captured my imagination.’

After some research on the Internet, Rob found The A.P.T Charitable Trust who he contacted to book an air experience flight.

‘Visiting APT for the first time apprehension began to build up in my mind. What am I doing here Am I not in enough trouble How on earth am I going to fly With their vast experience and knowledge, the people at the APT Trust and Shadow Flight Centre made me feel relaxed and welcome. After the Air Experience Flight I realized a new path was beginning to open up.’

Rob started training for his NPPL (M) Licence on a CFM Shadow CD in 2004. The aircraft specially adapted for use by people with paralysis of the lower limbs. This adaptation allows people with limited hand and body movement to take full control of the aircraft, to fly solo and ultimately gain their microlight licence.

After a much hard work and determination, we are pleased to announce that Rob passed his GST with Fiona. Making him one of few Tetraplegics to gain their licence.

‘Learning to fly has been one of the hardest yet most fulfilling experiences of my life, with many challenges along the way. Without the help of the APT Trust and SFC at Old Sarum I am sure my dream to fly would still be just that.’

The APT Charitable Trust, registered charity No 1037768, was founded in 1994 by Mr. James Edmonds, a highly successful businessman and philanthropist to teach physically disabled people to fly. The Trust uses two specially adapted aircraft that enable students to enjoy flying without compromising safety. Training is provided by award winning CAA-approved Instructors Raymond Proost and Fiona Luckhurst of the Shadow Flight Centre.

The APT Trust is 100% reliant on donations to continue training students, giving Air Experience Flights and meeting the running costs of two aircraft. If you feel you could help The APT Charitable Trust with a donation, by fund raising or in any way please contact our General Manager Rob Lawes.

For more information on APT you can visit their website www.disabledflying.org email: admin@disabeldflying.org.uk Tel: 01722 410744 Mob: 07990 554048